Couch to 5k

What is Couch to 5k?

‘Couch to 5k’ is a 10 week programme to help build yourself from not running at all (i.e. sitting on the couch), to being able to run 30 mins non-stop or 5k.

Who is it for?

Its aimed for absolute beginners, however we think this programme is beneficial to anyone who wants to get into running or would like to improve their overall fitness in a gradual way.

How does Couch to 5k work?

The programme is based on running 3 times a week, with rest periods between your runs. For each week there are a different running plans.

The plans for each week are built up with a mixture of walking and running combinations. For example for the first week you would be walking 90 seconds then running for 60 seconds and repeating this for the duration of the “Run”.

As the weeks go on, the walks will get shorter and the running parts will get longer, until you can eventually run the whole session without walking at all.

How much does it cost?

It’s free, this is thanks to our funders The National Lottery Community Fund and Bolton Fund.

What happens at a session?

At a session, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly Run Leaders.  They will make sure you sign-in on a register including your emergency contact details.

We’ll then warm-up, walk, talk, run and have fun!  That is the main aim, to have fun and enjoy your time at the session!

How do i sign-up?

We start new programs at various points during the year, keep an eye on our website and social media pages for dates.


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